VE Testing Pre Registration

We are testing out a new (to us) Pre Registration process for VE testing. Although not required, it will help to make sure we have enough VE’s for your test.

Local Weather!

Be sure to check out the UPDATED local weather link above!



John Gill – KJ5G


Just a reminder and in case you don’t know the club has a email group!  To join simply visit and follow the instructions on adding yourself to the group.

Also I still have email addresses available for any current club member.  Your email address would look like this

If you are interested please contact me at and I will fix you up.

W5JAS Tailgate Sale

The W5JAS Tailgate Sale is now up and running!  You may use this to place an ad for anything related to amateur radio.  Simply click on “Tailgate Sale”, then place your ad.


This is a multi-step process to prevent spam to the web page, ALL ads must be approved by a page admin.



For Those Interested In Becoming a Ham Radio Operator

I have received several emails lately from the public showing interest in becoming a Ham Radio Operator.  First of all let me welcome all those who are browsing this page that are not members or licensed operators!  We are more than happy that you are showing interest in becoming licensed.  Ham Radio is a great hobby to enjoy and it is also a great way to assist the public as well as local, state and sometimes federal agencies in times of need.  This is probably one of the most enjoyable hobbies there is out there!  Our club meetings are the last Thursday of every month at 7pm at the Jasper Airport (AKA Bell Field).  We welcome all who wish to attend to include, licensed operators as well as non-licensed individuals who wish to learn more about ham radio or want to become licensed operators.  Our meetings are open to anyone and everyone!  So! With that said, for those of you who are browsing our page, that are interested in becoming licensed, please feel free to come to our meeting and introduce yourself!  Our club and its members have a vast wealth of knowledge into the hobby of ham radio and are more than willing to help answer your questions.  Once again, thank you for stopping by our page and showing interest, we always welcome those who want to become licensed!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using our “Contact Us” link.  We will be more than happy to answer your questions!

Joe Pomponio – K5JEP

W5JAS – Lakes Area Amateur Radio Club President